Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2009 update #3 - First leg - Sebana Cove

Well the journey has begun.

We have departed Danga Bay Marina on the first leg of the "Passage to the East" 2009Rally which will take us up the east coast of mainland Malaysia and then across to Borneo to visit Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah.

From there we are considering a three week escape to Palawan Island in southern Philippines and then around the north coast of Borneo via Sipidan and into Indonesia. We are currently putting together a plan for our cruising permit in Indonesia which will see us pass through Sulawesi, Halamera, Waigoe, and along the north coast of Irian Jaya to Jayapura.

From there we leap out off the coast to the Hermits, Admiralties, New Ireland/New Britain in Papua New Guinea. We will bypass Bougainville and head to the Solomon Islands and spend the end of the cyclone season around Gizo. Once the cyclone season has abated in April/May 2010 we will sail through the Louisiades, PNG and back to Australia, entering Cairns around July 2010.

This is a rough plan and we have been looking at other options and timings. The one I have mentioned is the most likely and takes into account traditional winds and currents at that time of the year also the monsoon/cyclone/typhoon seasons. So hopefully we get the right winds when we need them! Best made plans.....

There are 30 yachts here with the rally at Sebana Cove Marina planning the next stages of their yachting adventures. Some are doing circuits to come back into southeast Asia. Some are planning extended stays in certain ports while some will do a season in the Philippines.

There are a large number sailing back to Australia via different routes and time plans. It is an exciting and stressful time as the planning and Indonesian red tape is HUGE. Plus there is the provisioning and lack of resources and facilities in the areas we are heading.

From here we are heading to the Tioman Islands and will probably stay there for most of June and then sail 400nm across the China Sea to Borneo - 3 day/2 nights probably at sea.

So far the rally has been packed with experiences and culture. We have seen cultural dances from the Johor region of Malaysia (There are 11 regions altogether), visited the sultan of Johor's palace and seen the crown jewels! Dined on fabulous local foods (lots of sugar!), visited an organic fruit farm and sampled a huge selection of tropical fruits grown all year round due to the climate.Benn invited into traditional home stays,visited museums on history, culture, kites, spinning tops, traditional fishing techniques, been invited to afternoon tea at welcoming receptions at smart resorts, marinas and local village halls. We have been given free beer (not bad in a Muslim country) and free berths at Puteri and Danga Bay. We have been educated in Malay customs and daily life that without being on the rally we would have not experienced on our own.

The Malays are so different from the Thais in so many ways and the population is made up of a diverse mix of ethnic groups. There are the native Malays who are normally Muslim, there are the Indians (Hindu) and the Chinese (Buddhist, Confucianism, ancestor worship). Life is so varied and exciting, you never know what is round the corner. Festivals, marriages, funerals, celebrating life in general. Each group preserves its traditional way of life.

We are looking forward to visiting more of Malaysia and of course a spot of snorkelling in the Tiomans......

1 comment:

Ganeida said...

Lots of travelling our way too ~ mostly around Brizzie for music things. Just finished Creative Generation which has landed VM 2 Sydney gigs; Moreton Bay College this Sat., then Cleveland. Hoping Ditz will get her act together to audition for a solo spot at Cleveland.

Crashed the last blog ~ NOT my fault I don't think but you should be able to link to the new one from here.