Sunday, November 8, 2009

Leaving Indonesia for Papua New Guinea

A lot of miles has been covered in the last 6 months. Can't believe we were in Thailand in April!

We are currently in Jayapura the border of Indonesia New Guinea and Papua New Guinea. We are clearing out today and then waiting for a weather window to head out to the Hermit islands, Admiralty islands and on to New Hanover aand New Ireland for Christmas and New Year. Gaynor is joining us there for a week which we are really looking forward to. Then we move on to the Solomon islands and then return to Australia via the louisiades and hope to reach Cairns July 2010. That is the current plan.

We are sailing in company with good friends Ginny and David on Pura Vida and have had a ball travelling through Indonesia with them. We caught up with them in the Bacan islands just off Halmahera and have basically day hoped all the way with a couple of overnighters when there was no anchorage available to us.

We were lucky to have yachts in front of us who wanted to be back in Australia for Christmas and who should be safely back by now. Please let us know! These boats recommended anchorages they enjoyed and this was fabulous. Some of our favourites were the Bacan islands SW of Halmahera, Dowralama, Kepulan Van Boo, Kaliem, Wakde and Yamma. All for different reasons. Some for the scenery, volcanos, thermal springs, some for snorkelling, bbq beaches, white sandy and turquoise waters, some for the locals we have met and shared great experiences with. Minty on Yamma was fabulous and her extended family/village made this anchorage very special, wish we could have stayed longer. The children on Wakde were fabulous to and allowed Natasha and James to paddle there canoes around the bay and swim with them.

Send us an email if you want a stack of waypoints!

We are madly shopping in Jayapura for the next 6 months food stocks as we are not sure where and what we will get from now on. Definitely lost a few pounds in weight running around in the heat.

All is going well here and we have loved getting your iridium texts and keeping up with what is happening Keep it up even though i will probably only get to reply once a week. It is great to get messages and makes everyone on board smile. We will have no mobile phone for this section, maybe not until we return to Australia in July 2010. So iridium is it. Best way to contact us is by Iridium text. We have the iridium on most days for a couple of hours.

We will be in Kavieng just before Xmas and probably around the Nusa island area.
Check out the web page.

Amanda and Steve are usually up to date on where we are so contact Amanda if you need to.

Keep healthy, stay safe and big hugs to all
and if we don't talk before
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!